The water inside an inflatable hot tub needs to be drained before you clean and refill some freshwater in it for the next time you want to use it. However, for a new user, the question of how to drain an inflatable hot tub? needs to be answered thoroughly.
Tools & Equipment
- Cleaning mitts
- Cleaning towel
- Shop vacuum
- Garden hose preferably with a spray nozzle
- Pump
- Plugs or stoppers
- A cleaning solution of your choice
All Steps About How To Drain an Inflatable Hot Tub
This guide aims to minimize labor as much as it can so that it may seem like an easy job.
1. Turn Off The Power
Your safety should be your foremost priority and for that, turn off the power as the first major preparation step. We recommend that you cut the power off entirely from the main circuit instead of just removing the plug. Also, use a net to clean leaves or other debris so that they don’t get stuck and cause clogging while the water is out.
2. Disconnect, Clean, And Dry The Motor Unit
The motor should also be disconnected and removed as yet another important part of the cleaning process. You will need to open the motor compartment and remove the screws to take it out and clean it thoroughly.
Also, it needs to be dried well because putting it back on and starting the spa otherwise, an electrical spark may burn the motor and even cause a fire. When cleaned and dried, put it back inside the compartment and make sure that the screws have been tightened well.
3. Clean The Filters
The filters provide another reason for regular hot tub cleaning since this is a component that keeps your hot tub water clean and fresh. You will find the filter housing at the bottom of the hot tub that needs to be removed and take the filters out.
Clean them thoroughly and if you haven’t got a quality cleaner from the market, you can mix vinegar and water as a cheap alternative for effective water filter cleaning. Use the blow mode on your vacuum cleaner and eliminate every bit of debris that might be present inside the filters.
4. Drain Your Inflatable Hot Tub
Once you are done with the above important step, it is about time that you start draining your inflatable hot tub.
- You will need to remove the drain plug to take out much of the water
- Putting on a garden hose will allow you to direct where the water flows
- The draining process can be faster using a pump so get one right away
- The pump needs to be placed at the bottom for effective water removal
And with that, the hot tub water should be completely drained within no time.
5. Drying The Inflatable Hot Tub
Before you refill it with the water, use cleaning mitts or a drying towel to clean and dry the entire spa. Make sure that you thoroughly dry the hot tub out on both interior and exterior to make the process more effective.
6. Deflate The Hot Tub
In case you are looking forward to moving your inflatable hot tub or want to store it away, this is your chance to deflate it and do what needs to be done.
7. Refilling The Hot Tub
However, if you want to continue your routine of using the hot tub, it is time to refill it. For that:
- First, install the drain plugs back
- Also, put the filters back on
- Reassemble all components that you removed
- Attach the running hose to the filter unit
- Turn on the water connection and fill it away
Once refilled, turn on the connection, heat it up, and have a relaxing massage and hydrotherapy sessions inside to make it all worth it.
This concludes our detailed guide on how to drain an inflatable hot tub that we are sure was of help to the new and old hot tub users.
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